Public Affairs

Roland Dransfield Public Affairs offers strategic communications, specialising in public affairs and PR in the property, planning and regeneration sectors.

Developers know that planning applications are no longer determined solely on their planning merits and that local goodwill – or the absence thereof – towards an application can play a large part in whether or not approval is granted. Local feeling towards development proposals has become even more important of late in light of national and local policy requirements, which place a heavy emphasis on developers to consult local communities and stakeholders on proposals before submitting a planning application – ultimately giving communities more influence over proposals that are in their back yard.

As a result, communicating with and engaging local communities in the shaping of development proposals for their area is increasingly important, and something which developers should ignore at their peril. Roland Dransfield Public Affairs helps developers to understand the political and community arenas in which they are operating and to realise the best ways in which to approach them to help achieve the end goal – planning consent.